I’m not using social media for 20 days… let’s see how it goes.

Alexandra Ruiz
2 min readJan 4, 2022

Today was my first day in a long time not using social media. I deleted my Instagram and Twitter app yesterday, determined to stop using social media for the next 20 days. I can’t lie; today was really hard. You don’t realize how addicting something is until you force yourself to not depend on it. Waking up in the morning and not being able to open up the instagram app to check up on what everyone else was doing was nerve-wrecking. How is it that a device has so much power over you? I mean its not the device; we are the ones that give it power. It’s what it stands for, making us keep our noses in our phones and not living our lives. I even realized that I had more time in the day. Seriously, my day felt longer. It seems that when you are on your phone all day, time gets away from you and you realize just how much time you waste on your phone.

At one point, I had to remind myself about the things that I like, that don’t involve looking at my phone. That don’t involve scrolling through other peoples’ lives for hours, wishing for something that’s not mine. So I exercised, went on a walk, read a lot, and then wrote. It was a really really good day. I had the habit of checking my phone, but I do feel relief knowing that there is more for me than just checking my phone constantly.

So I will continue to do this for the next 20 days. I will keep you updated, for now, I am definitely having withdrawal symptoms. Let’s cross our fingers that I last all 20 days without using social media!

